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Working with a Production Engineer

All Classes are taught privately and also
available through Zoom.
You can also do the Basics Workshop
with home study.

What do you want to do with Your Voice?
Creating Your Voice Image

Voice Over Coaching


Lou Hunt is a Voice Over Performer and Master Coach for over 40 years.


She was the First Female Announcer for a Network Soap, and the First Female Game Show Announcer.

She has received three Clios, a First Place Award in the Art Director’s Shows in New York, Dallas & Wisconsin and an first place Addy in Memphis.


Lou can train you from start to finish to become a Voice Over Professional.


Help you develop your  Speaking Voice for more effective Communication

or Business Presentations.


Lou's experience and expertise ensures that the performer receives the full measure of training to bring their abilities from the initial exploration and practice, and with continued study, go on  to a professional performance level, knowing how to present their best self and promote themselves in the business. 

Group Class in Professional Studio
 Voice Over Students in a Professional Studio Workshop
Special VO Performance
 Voice Over Students Performing a Public Book Reading
Learning to Take Direction
In Studio
Learning to be Expressive
In Studio
Proper Use of the Mic

Voice Over Coaching



Demo Process






Student Comments


Resource Manuals




Working the Web for Jobs




Other Services:

Marketing, Packaging

Website Design

Setting up your Home Studio

Learning to Record & Edit

Learning How to Submit

Auditions On Line

Professional Speakers


Learning to Listen

Communication Skills

What is Voice Over?  It's Voice Acting,  mainly for commercials, cartoons and narrations, but today it includes many other areas.  An acting or singing background is excellent, but oftentimes sales or public relations experience makes a person very savvy in this work.  After all, it IS a business and your VOICE is your product!


In my classes I teach the subtle skills of evoking all the various emotions and attitudes required to create the “pictures” from the scripts, and the technical skills to work at Home or in a Professional Studio.  If you become competitive, I’ll help you develop material for and produce your Demo. I also provide Self-Promotion classes to help you get yourself known and hired!


Whether you’re taking the class to explore how your voice comes across to others or intend to go on to work in the Voice Over field, my goal is to help you discover your unique talents.  Because I make it a very personal study, I’ve seen some remarkable changes in people’s self-expression and self-confidence in their everyday life!



What's on a Demo?

The Demo is your personal Resume and should only be produced when you are performing as competitively as the Professionals.  There are many choices for your Demo tracks: Spokesperson, Narrator, Character, Dialogues, Audio Books, etc, so you need to know exactly what you do Best, Feel Confident in Performing, Be Objective about your performances, Know How to Direct yourself and Know How to take Direction.  There are also several choices for post-production. You will learn all this in WOM workshops.  Word of Mouth has been producing Demos for over 30 years; our Demos are highly respected in the Voice Over Industry.  If you have experience in Voice Over and are ready to make your Demo, give me a call to set up a consultation or send for my Demo Production Rates and Sample CD of Word of Mouth produced Demos.  Click on "Demo Process" .

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