Voice Over Classes

Study with Lou Hunt, Master Voice Over teacher
All Coaching & Classes are
Private Sessions, Tempe, AZ
(It's best for me to work with you in person,
but, if necessary we can use Zoom.)
You choose your Dates!!
Most Weekdays
some Evenings & Saturdays
All workshop materials can also be studied
in the VO EMail Program.

Any of these Workshops can be taught at your location at an additional fee. If you organize a group workshop, (minimum, 4 students), you attend FREE!
To Sign-Up for Classes Go to the Registration Page
For those of you who have been wanting to get started in Voice Over but "life got in the way", these sessions are a way to see whether or not you wish to invest your time and monies in the pursuit of Voice Over! Most Afternoons (Some evening sessions may be possible depending on my teaching schedule.) FYI: If you decide to take the Basics, you'll get a $20 discount.
You will receive important Hand-Outs on the business, including suggestions and expenses involved for Home Recording Programs and Equipment. (You must be able to record at home if you want to get VO work!) AND, you'll have the opportunity to try your hand at recording and get all your questions answered.
The Basics Workshop is the same state-of-the-art instruction that I presented for 16 years in Los Angeles, and now 20 years in Phoenix. (Work must be finished within 6 weeks of start; Follow-Up must be scheduled within 2 weeks after class completion or additional charges apply.) NOTE: Rescheduling or Cancellation of a class requires 24 hour notice or session will be forfeited and additional fee will be required.
Basics includes Three 2 hour sessions; 1 Hour Follow-Up.
Your Choice of Week Days: between 11:30-4:30 PM (Some evenings & Saturdays may be also be available.)
*You’ll receive the complete Basics Workbook with specifically selected scripts, and 2
supplementary CDs of professional performer examples in the Basic VO Categories,
*You’ll learn the Basic Steps that you’ll need to perform in any area of Voice Over! Plus:
How to Interpret Copy, Perform different Attitudes in the Basic Voice Over Categories
which will help you start to develop a variety of VO “Personalities”; Learn the definition
of Voice Over Terms, How to Mark Copy and How to use the Microphone.
*You’ll also learn how to work at home and begin the process
of finding out what you do best.
*Throughout the class you’ll receive inside “Tips" from my 38 years as a
VO performer and Coach in Chicago and Los Angeles.
You'll receive an Additional "After the Basics" Workbook
to guide you through your Demo Prep. AND you'll also receive
the "Business of the Business" Resource Manual;
this Manual gives you all the information you need from
Getting Started, to Making contacts, Setting your Fees and Self Promotion.
You'll also receive a Personal Evaluation from me to help you determine
what your next steps should be.
In additional Private classes we’ll review what you’ve learned,
and prepare your materials to record your Demo Tracks.
I will also help you practice Recording & Editing to become familiar
with programs you can use to record at Home.
Discounts: You'll receive $25 off if you attended the Intro to VO or had a Private session and if you Pay in Full at Registration you'll get an additional $50 off.
Payment Plan:
Three 2 hour sessions (full fee); Pay in FOUR installments: The Deposit Fee of $200 is due upon Registration. The first installment of $150 is due at your second session, and $150 at the Third and $150 at your Follow Up. (This will also require you to sign a contract stating your responsibility for the balance.)
2. You can schedule private sessions, fee of $75 per hour, payable per session, plus $200 for the Basics Workbooks and CDs. Schedule your sessions at your convenience, taking as much time as you need to complete the work. BUT you must commit to at least 4 sessions to get this discounted session fee and the work must be completed within 2 months from your first session. You will be required to sign a contract to this effect.
3. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to invest the time in person, you might want to consider taking the “VO By Mail” program. (See VO By Mail below)
See: Registration Page to Register.
NARRATION (Private Session) Two hours FEE: $150
As most of you know, the Narration field is where we get most of our work, especially in a local market, although there are many new opportunities over the Internet! The professional Narrator has learned specific skills such as: learning to read fluidly without mistakes, being able to consistently express the attitude the client wants throughout long scripts, pacing and timing. You will receive a Workbook with Scripts, Important Hand-Outs with pointers for a professional recording session, and a CD of Professional Narrator examples. Prerequisite: Taken the Basics Workshop or previous VO experience.
ADVANCED VOICE OVER 4 week Sessions FEE: $50 per week
Work on specific performances, Develop additional “personalities” for your Repertoire. Learn how to Audition over the Internet, Learn how to Record and Edit, Start your Promotion Campaign, OR YOUR PLAN! NOTE: If you pay for the month in advance at Registration, I will apply $25 toward my creating Your Website! As you continue to improve your performances, you might also want to consider buying the “Expanding Your Voice Over Performances” Resource Manual. ($50)
Prerequisite: Taken the Basics Workshop or previous VO experience.
For those of you who are at an Intermediate or Advanced Level, and/or for those who haven't been able to continue your sessions, here's a way to practice your Recording Skills and Learn How to Audition online. I will follow the same process that is used by the On-Line Representation sites so you get used to following specific directions for submission, PLUS I will be giving you Feedback. . . both on your performance and quality of recording!
Here are the specifics:
Fee: $75 for 3 weeks. You'll receive 1-2 scripts each week for 2 weeks, (depending on how long they are), they will be either commercial or longer narration scripts; with a deadline for submission. The 3rd week you can submit whatever you'd like for evaluation; Limit: 2 commercial scripts, or 3 characters, or 1 narration.
There will be specific directions for submission as well as the date the audition is due. The Due Date will vary, sometimes within 48 hours, just like you would experience with an on-line Casting Director. You will need to pay your monthly fee through PayPal.
Includes the Business VO Reference Manual.
NOTE: You can always buy the Manual for $40 and once you’ve taken the Workshop, you can Review the Workshop whenever it’s scheduled for $45. No prerequisite. This Workshop goes through the entire VO Reference Manual which is an invaluable reference source from all of my 35 years of experience in the Voice Over Business. (This material is being constantly updated.) The Manual gives you all the information you will need from start to finish; i.e. from What you need to Know in your Performances, all the way through What to put on your Demo, How to Package it, How to make Contacts, How to Set Fees, The Equipment you need to Record at Home, etc. etc. No matter where you are in your VO pursuit, you can refer to this manual when you need it most!
To get access to Voice Over auditions and jobs, You must be able to record at Home to send your recordings to clients via the Internet! Contrary to many notions, it is NOT expensive to set this up and is easier than you might imagine! I will show you what recording/editing programs to get, (some are Free!), what equipment I recommend and show you how to record and edit. You will practice recording each other; then you’ll feel at ease when you try at home! You will receive Hand-Outs on where to buy the equipment. NOTE: All equipment information is also in the “Business of Voice Over” Manual.
If you want to get work over the Internet or even just be able to refer potential clients to your Demo tracks, you need your own Website! Although many servers offer free website pages, the Templates are rudimentary and the site often cannot handle Audio Bytes, or the service does not provide easy access of Audio for the potential buyer! Through much experimentation, I have found an excellent provider where you can create your site for Free, and publishing it online is at an amazingly low cost! I will walk you through the steps and you’ll be creating your site the way you want it to look and be able to add or change any part of it without having to go through a Webmaster! This same provider also offers domain hosting, web optimization, shopping carts, PayPal, and many other features. It’s time to get yourself known across the country with your own Website!
These Sessions fill up fast! Register Early! (Get on the Mailing List upcoming Dates.) at various studios. These sessions fill up fast, so register early! Fee is due ONE WEEK prior to session. To guarantee the session will be held, there are no cancellations, so once you have registered, you are responsible for the fee whether you attend or not. Fee is due ONE WEEK before session!
These Special Events are held ONCE A MONTH in a professional studio with a different facilitator each time. These sessions give you an invaluable opportunity to enhance your job potential by getting the inside info and experience you need from working with Professional Writers, Directors & Producers, who could hire you! Performers need to have Voice Over Experience or have completed the Basics training. These are NOT practice workshops; you will be treated as a professional performer. These are the ONLY opportunities in Arizona for you to gain a professional Voice Over experience as well as invaluable information for your Voice Over Career, before you get hired! And we've had occasions when one of the performers in the workshop was hired for a project! NOTE: (If you feel you're not yet at a competitive performance level, we sometimes have spaces available for you to be an observer, at a reduced cost, once the Performers have registered.)
ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: VO Performance Critiques and/or Live Presentations
FEE: $75 an hour
Most Weekdays, one hour between 1:30-4:30PM
Occasional Evenings and Some Saturdays can be arranged
You can use these sessions to polish the VO performances you’re working on; to consult with me re: your Demo material or Evaluate your present Demo; learn to use a recording/editing program, discuss packaging/promotion or just ask questions about the business.
You can also use this time to improve your Speaking Skills for Live Presentations. I've coached many teachers, lawyers and political candidates.
This coaching service is for anyone who can record at Home.
This method of coaching is for people who want feedback and direction at your own pace. For Beginners you’ll need to buy the Voice Over By Mail program ($550) which is the same material I use in the on-site Basics Intensive Workshop. It includes all the exercises, scripts, hand-outs and an example CD of Professional Voice Actors performing in the Basic Categories. (You might also want to purchase "Business of Voice Over Resource" Guide. $40) For Advanced Students, I will send you a packet of scripts with directions and format procedures. (Each packet is $50.)
For complete details give me a call or email me and I'll send you the full program description and procedure.
New! TELEPHONE or SKYPE or Zoom COACHING FEE: $50 for 40 minutes.
These are one-hour sessions for me to direct you over the Phone or via Skype or Messenger. You get immediate feedback, performing however many takes you need to “get it”! My direction is focused, specific and constructive. If you want to record my comments as well as recording yourself, you will need a home studio setup with a phone-patch; or you can just record yourself on a simple recording device. For Beginners, we can use the scripts from the Voice Over By Mail workbook (purchased ahead of time); or you can have me send you scripts in advance, or you can use your own material. For Advanced students, I will send you scripts in advance or you can use your own.
Design Your Own Class!
Whether you just want to work on your voice, are just starting Voice Over, or continuing to polish your performances, you can work in private or semi-private sessions. I’ll arrange the work to adapt to your Goals!
Any of these Workshops can be taught at your location at an additional fee. If you organize a group workshop, (minimum, 4 students), you attend FREE!